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Cervix uteri cancer

Cervix uteri cancer is malignant tumor growing in cervix uteri area (cervix), that is area at woman reproductive organ which is entrance towards located womb between wombs (uterine) and vagina. Gracious cervix cancer happened if the cells in the area splits is not control and becomes abnormal. If the cells always splits, hence will be formed a network mass so-called tumor. Tumor can have the character of tame or malignant. If the tumor became malignant, the condition is called cervix uteri cancer.

Cervix uteri cancer cause by the happening of disparity at the cervix uteri cells is unknown surely, but there are some risk factors which can have an effect on to the happening of the cervix cancer:

1. HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus)

HPV is a virus which can cause the happening of wart at genital area (kondiloma akuminata), contagious passed the relation of sexual. HPV often anticipated as the cause of the happening of abnormal change from cervix uteri cells.

2. Smoking

Tobacco can reduce impenetrability system of body and influences ability of body to fight against infection HPV at cervix.

3. The relation of sexual firstly is done at the age of early

4. Flits sexual couple

5. Body impenetrability system trouble

6. Usage of pill KB

7. Infection of Herpes genitalic or infection of chronical klamidia

Cervix uteri Cancer Symptom

Initially journey of disease from cervix uteri cancer cans be in the form of trigger cancer or lesion pra cancer. Change of this pre cancer usually doesn't generate symptom and is not detected unless the woman experiences inspection of flank or pap smear. Symptom usually has just emerged when abnormal cervix cell turned into ferocity and infiltrates to vinicity network. At the moment can arise symptom like trouble to menstruate, vagina haemorrhage, and white.

If cancer growth more and more continued hence can arise symptoms like:

1. Flank pain in bone, back.

2. Water exit kemih and faeces from vagina

3. Broken bone

4. The lessen of appetite, degradation of body weight, fatigue

Prevents better than cures, recognizes early itself and your body, including preventions of this cervix uteri cancer.


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