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Multiple Orgasms

"All women are [physiologically] capable of having multiple orgasms," says Barbara Bartlik, MD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York, NY. So why aren't more women keeping their neighbors awake at night with their moans of pleasure?

"Many women [are] comfortable and satisfied with one orgasm, and they don't want to try for more," says Bartlik, who adds, "Instead of thinking about multiple orgasms as an embarrassment of riches, why not think of them as making up for lost time?"

Multiple orgasms are a series of sequential orgasmic experiences that occur in quick succession. And when it comes to multiples, women have the biological upper hand over men. This is because unlike men, women don't experience a refractory period (the period of time after men ejaculate when they can't be aroused). So women can and do respond immediately after orgasm to more (or hopefully continuous) clitoral, vaginal, and G-spot (that small, raised bump of urethral tissue just inside your vagina along its front wall) stimulation.


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